What is BS7858 screening?

BS7858 screening was introduced in 2012 as a best practice recommendation, to ensure that all security personnel are screened prior to working in security environments. The BS7858 screening standard was published by the BSI, and is regulated by the Security Industry Authority (SIA).

Who is BS7858 screening for?

BS7858 is the preferred screening method used in the finance, insurance, banking, healthcare, aviation, education, HR and IT sectors to ensure they are complying with rules and regulations of their industry.

What does BS7858 screening comprise of?

  • ID check

  • 5 or 10-year career history (including education and gap periods)

  • Basic DBS Check

  • Consumer information check

  • CCJ check

  • Insolvency check

  • IVA check

  • Global watchlist check (fraud and financial sanctions checks)

  • SIA licence check (if applicable)

  • Right to work check

  • 5-Year address verification

Difference between BS7858:2012 and BS7858:2019

The 2012 standard was withdrawn on 31st March 2020, and the updated 2019 standard sets out the requirements for organisations conducting background screening checks for employees working in a secure environment.

A summary of the changes include:

  • Inclusion of social media checks as a recommended best practice for pre and post-employment

  • Right to Work checks in line with Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) identity requirements

  • Removal of character references

  • Inclusion of new global watchlist checks during the application process

  • Retaining candidates’ background check files during the duration of their employment (and unsuccessful applicants’ for 12 months)

  • Specific records held for up to 7 years after cessation of employment

  • Permission for pre-employment screening files to be portable (transferable from job to job)

Why use BS7858 for all your screening needs, not just security?

BS7858 is a comprehensive screening and involves a more in depth process. This ultimately reduces risk for employers and businesses.

Why use a specialist screening company?

Using a specialist screening company will ensure that your pre-employment checks are carried out correctly and efficiently, whilst adhering to all compliance requirements. Contact MATCHUP today and let us help you save time and stress with your security officer screening.


What is an SIA licence?